Discovering Zentax

Welcome to the effortless world of Zentax — your go-to syntax for lightning-fast content creation, offering cleaner markup with custom framework, component and site section tags.

Write code quicker...

Zentax user snippets are predefined code templates within zenCSS that simplify and expedite the creation of our website sections, components, and framework in Visual Studio Code, enhancing developer productivity.

  1. Download User Snippets: Begin by downloading the user snippets here. There are two options, one for just the zenCSS container structure, and another that also contains our site sections and components.
  2. Configure User Snippets: Open VSCode, navigate to settings -> configure user snippets -> html.json (HTML), and paste the JSON content of your choice into this file. Save the changes.
  3. Start Coding: With the user snippets in place, you can now use shorthand commands to generate container structures and various site sections and components with ease.

Once installed, Just type "zcon" followed by tab to instantly write the container structure below and place your cursor inside so you can immediately begin writing HTML. You have the ability to stick with traditional HTML or venture into using Zentax when working with zenCSS—both are interchangeable based on what best suits your project.

    <z-col> ... </z-col>

For more extensive sections and components, simply type the user snippet shorthand labeled Shortcut, shown next to the code example on our site sections and components to type out the markup for that element. Looking ahead, we’re developing a tool (currently in beta) to transpile Zentax's custom HTML elements into standard semantic HTML for deployment, further simplifying your workflow.