Text formatting, alignment and size
zenCSS provides a robust set of text formatting utilities, enabling you to style and align text with ease. Whether you are aiming for a bold statement or subtle emphasis, these classes have got you covered.
Text Formatting Classes
Class Name | Description | Example |
.text-thin | font-weight: 300 | This text is thin. |
.text-regular | font-weight: 400 | This text is regular. |
.text-medium | font-weight: 500 | This text is medium. |
.text-semibold | font-weight: 600 | This text is semi-bold. |
.text-bold | font-weight: 700 | This text is bold. |
.text-bolder | font-weight: 800 | This text is bolder. |
.text-boldest | font-weight: 900 | This text is the boldest. |
.text-italic | font-style: italic | This text is italic. |
.text-uppercase | text-transform: uppercase | This text is uppercase. |
.text-lowercase | text-transform: lowercase | This text is lowercase. |
.text-underline | text-decoration: underline | This text is underlined. |
.text-decoration-none | text-decoration: none | This text is undecorated. |
Text Alignment Classes
Class Name | Description | Example |
.text-center | Centers text horizontally within its container. |
Center aligned text |
.text-center-vertical | Centers text vertically within its container. |
Vertically center aligned text |
.text-right | Aligns text to the right within its container. |
Right aligned text |
.text-left | Aligns text to the left within its container. |
Left aligned text |
Text Size Classes
Class Name | Description | Example |
.text-xxs | Decreases font size to 0.6em | xxs text size |
.text-xs | Sets the font size to 0.8em | xs text size |
.text-sm | Adjusts font size to 0.9em | sm text size |
.text-md | Adjusts font size to 1.2em | md text size |
.text-lg | Adjusts font size to 1.5em | lg text size |
.text-xl | Adjusts font size to 2.5em | xl text size |
.text-xxl | Adjusts font size to 4em | xxl text size |
Span Classes
Class Name | Description | Example |
.text-superscript | Displays text as superscript. | $49 |
.label | Displays text as a label. | NEW |
.eyebrow | Displays text as a callout above content areas. | NEW |
.text-dual | Switches text to light color for dark mode only. | text-primary text-dual |
Further text styling examples here
Usage Examples
Here are some examples showcasing how you might use these utilities in your HTML:
<!-- Example 1: Apply italic style to text -->
<p class="text-italic">This text is italic.</p>
<!-- Example 2: Center align text -->
<p class="text-center">This text is center aligned.</p>
<!-- Example 3: Set font size to bigger -->
<p class="text-xl">This text is extra large.</p>
The Zen Test
Every component, section, and utility we ship will pass layout, color, and functional tests to ensure they perform flawlessly in today's modern browsers.
So you can be assured it "just works". Try it out below.